Song: Please and thank you
Conversation: Say please!
Story: The compass
Phonics: Consonant N n
Main theme: Manners
Song: Manners
Conversation: May I ride your bike?
Story: The mysterious numbers
Phonics: Vowel O o
Main theme: May I …?Yes, you may…, Thank you.
Song: Oh do you eat your vegetables
Conversation: It is a watermelon .
Story: The first number
Phonics: Consonant P p
Main theme: Fruit and vegetables
Song: Apples and bananas
Conversation: What is your favorite fruit?
Story: A new adventure
Phonics: Review N n O o P p
Main theme: This is…, That is…
Song: Oh Where has my little dog gone
Conversation: Do you have a pet?
Story: Where to go
Phonics: Consonant Q q
Main theme: Pets
Song: Love your pets
Conversation: It is my cat.
Story: The Empire State Building
Phonics: Consonant R r
Main theme: My…is…