Song: The firemen
Conversation: What does your mother do?
Story: The journey out of the city
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs th
Main theme: Jobs and buildings
Song: Jobs
Conversation: Where does your father work?
Story: Arrival
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs ch
Main theme: He/She is a… He/She works in a…
Song: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar
Conversation: What is your favorite fruit?
Story: Return to Mark’s home
Phonics: Consonant Digraphs sh
Main theme: Food
Song: Hot cross buns
Conversation: Can I have the carrots, please?
Story: The discovery
Phonics: Review th ch sh
Main theme: I want some…I don’t want some…
Song: London bridge
Conversation: Where do you live?
Story: The picture
Phonics: Blends cl bl fl pl
Main theme: home
Song: Some people live in
Conversation: What is your favorite room?
Story: Mark’s grandmother
Phonics: Blends cr dr br gr
Main theme: I am in the…., Where are you? I am in